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xFoundry@UMD is a new initiative launching out of the E.A. Fernandez IDEA Factory that promotes technology innovations and advancements through collaborations with every academic discipline on campus.

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It is a truly unique space where student design teams, faculty researchers, venture creators, and industry experts will work side-by-side to meet the challenges of the 21st century.

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  • Launch my venture

    The xFoundry Xperience is a 15-month multidisciplinary program is designed for passionate students who want to make positive change. This multidisciplinary guided curriculum with annual targeted competitions is designed to address societal challenges by creating sustainable ventures. 

    Students are taken through the founder's mindset where they'll build upon skills of resilience, adaptability, and risk tolerance, all while solving grand challenges.

Contact Information

E.A. Fernandez IDEA Factory
4462 Stadium Drive
College Park, MD 20740