The Collaboratory, launched in 2010, has as its main focus serving the teaching and research needs of the Department of Art History and Archaeology and related disciplines through the use of digital methods, platforms, and tools, such as photogrammetry, AR, VR, RTI, and 3-D modeling and printing. We delight in serving the broader community, both on and off campus where possible, especially during ColLABorate Fridays and our free workshop week, Wading in DAH Water, the week after spring commencement.
Use Michelle Smith Collaboratory for Visual Culture to…
Find a lab/space for creating/making
The Collaboratory is an ideal space for people who are interested in how digital methods, platforms, and tools can amplify cultural heritage objects and spaces. We work in augmented and virtual reality, 3D modelling, photogrammetry, RTI (reflectance transformation imaging), online web exhibitions. We hold open labs most Fridays during the academic year (ColLABorate Fridays), where ANYone is welcome and as well run a free workshop week the week after spring commencement that is open to all.
Partner with UMD more broadly
The Collaboratory has formed many relationships across campus and the broader community over the years, including with some area museums, and we are happy to have a conversation with you that might lead to opportunities for collaboration that you might not have considered. We find that the best projects often start with a good conversation!
Recruit interns & hire future grads
The Collaboratory regularly boasts graduate fellows and undergraduate interns who are working on short- and long-term projects that are worthy of note and who through their time in the Collaboratory develop skills and approaches that will interest employers, particularly in the cultural heritage and related fields.