Alla McCoy

Alla McCoy
Alla Corey McCoy has developed and launched Faculty Startup Support program at the University of Maryland in 2018. Alla joined UM Ventures - College Park as a Technology Licensing Associate for Information Sciences in 2013.
Prior to UM Ventures, Alla worked at the University of Maryland's Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship designing and managing experiential learning opportunities for student entrepreneurs. During her tenure, Alla also worked with regional entrepreneurs and investors, in particular she managed Dingman Center's angel investor group.
Prior to joining the Dingman Center, Alla spent 8 years in the publishing industry. She led marketing, publicity, and sales efforts for small independent publishers specializing in professional, trade, and academic titles.
Alla completed her MBA at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, in May 2013, and received a B.S. in Computer Science and a B.A. in English Language and Literature and from the State University of Moldova.